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Alternative therapy - A Healing Art

Life deserves everything. The only thing we didn’t deserve is a change of mind. Life is waiting to take us to a better place (to move on) but we want only what we wish. Nobody knows what the next step is. But everybody focuses on what we want. if we didn’t choose what we want then what would happen? For example if a person wants to go in the direction of x but if he chose y direction now, what will happen? Any guesses?. Answer will be either no/or he missed/or good decision, right? if a person goes in the x direction as he wished then what will happen? Still the answer will be the same no/good/or he missed. But this doesn't matter. Whatever the direction can be, the person should put effort to reach his goal.

Alternative therapy is the right direction for overcoming stress, health issues and emotional imbalance.

We will be discussing about many Alternative therapies which is in use, every month.


It is an Interesting subject which helps to fix the problems by ourselves. First, just watch and listen to your mind and intuition which acknowledge your thoughts and actions. Next step is to move on by watching symbols and magical spells. It is also written in Hindu Atharvana Veda. Many call it as psycho symbols ,or psycho symbology which helps to retrieve our mind focus and Energy. Some sages have used the way of psychosymbology. Even today in temples we can Swastik, Nandi in Shiva temple, om symbols which take place in Hindu places. In Egypt and in some countries even in India they use tarot symbols as psychosymbology. How can we use it? What is the purpose? We can discuss it in the next article.



Alternative therapist & Tarot reader

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