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Let love lead your soul – Monasteries of Leh-Ladakh

On Buddha Purnima, 3 significant events of the Buddha’s life took place: his birth, his attaining enlightenment, and his death, Paranirvana.

‘A Monk decides to dedicate his life to serve God & people or to be an ascetic who voluntarily chooses to leave mainstream society and live his life in prayer and contemplation.’ Tibetan Monasteries helped to feed the poor, take care of the sick, and provided education to boys in the local community. Tibetan religious leaders, monks and people were seen making donations and distribution of essential commodities to poorer sections of the community in different states.

Buddhist culture is one of the simplest cultures that have been ruling since the last 25 centuries which has greatly influenced the lives of many people in every corner of the world. From Himalayan region of Jammu & Kashmir, Leh-Ladakh, (which dominates religion of Buddhism and has lots of monasteries) Himachal Pradesh, North, Eastern India & till Southern part in India the amazing natural beauty, serene & devout environment of monasteries depicts the life and teachings of Buddha, gives a soul satisfaction and a glimpse to the region’s rich culture and history of India.

Leh-Ladakh is an ultimate stop where almost 108 other ancient Monasteries/ Gompas are there. One cannot miss these surreal, serene and absolutely breath-taking Gompas. Here the list of some popular ones listed in travel sites, official pages & blogs which can be visited:

1. Hemis Monastery has a library of Tibetan books & a valuable collection of Thangkas gold statues & Stupas embedded with precious stones.

2. Thiksey Monastery is a 12-storey complex & houses with Buddhist art such as Stupas, Statues, Thangkas, wall paintings and swords.

3. Diskit Monastery is an ancient & largest Monastery, with a gigantic statue of Lord Buddha on the top of it, located in Nubra valley of Ladakh.

4. Likir Monastery is just picturesque, located at 3700 m elevation, in the west of Leh, & was built in the 11th century and currently has a 25-ft tall gold covered Buddha statue.

5. Spitok Monastery – The word Spitok means exemplary, a magnificent Monastery with the museum has a rich collection of ancient masks, antique arms, & numerous Thangkas (Tibetan paintings on cotton, silk, applique, usually depicting a Buddhist deity, scene, or mandala).

6. Stakna Monastery, a small Monastery, literally meaning ‘tiger’s nose' because it was built on a hill shaped like a tiger's nose. It sits on the left bank of the river Indus with a wonderful view & was founded in 16th century by a Bhutanese scholar & saint.

7. Alchi Monastery was constructed by Guru Rinchen Zangpo between 958 and 1055 AD. The artistic & spiritual details of both Buddhist & the Hindu kings of the time in Kashmir & Himachal Pradesh are reflected in the wall paintings in the Monastery.

8. Phyang Monastery, one of the peaceful Gompa which is around 15 km from Leh. Phyang got its name from the blue mountain in its backdrop, built in 16th century. It has a 900-year old museum with extensive collections of Tibetan, Chinese & Mongolian weapons.

9. Takthok Monastery has an architectural marvel meaning ‘rock-roof’ as its walls and roof are made of rocks. It belongs to the Nyingma tradition of Tibetan Buddhism.

10. Sumda Chun an ancient Monastery, represents cultural influences of Tibetan Buddhism in the Himalayan area & is of immense regional & international significance.

11. Lamayuru Monastery is known for its ‘lunar’ or moonscape landscape which is incredible with its spectacularly odd geological formation.

12. Phuktal Monastery – A worthwhile stay, & an ideal place for peace & meditation with a guest house attached. It is built around a natural cave, which is believed to have been visited by numerous sages, scholars, monks around 2550 years ago.

13. Shey Monastery is noted for its giant copper with gilded gold statue of a seated Shakyamuni Buddha (2nd largest statue in Ladakh) named since Buddha was the sage (muni) of the Sakya people who resided in Himalaya foothills.

14. Shankar Monastery is a daughter establishment of Spituk monastery, dedicated to Goddess Tara & has a 1000 arm idol of hers. The insides of the monastery are lofty, with most of the walls adorned by intricate Murals.

15. Rizong Monastery established in 1831 and called “the paradise for meditation”.

16. Matho Monastery is exclusive, built in 16th century & famous for its annual Oracle Matho Nagrang Festival, held in springs & Rangdum Gompa in the 18th century lies in Kargil has become a monument of National importance.

17. Wanla Gompa is just picturesque, in the North of India which once served as an important gateway to the 'Silk road’, a network of trade routes connecting India with China, Persia, & Southern Europe.

Credible sources: Wikipedia, Google information, Traveler’s blog & Travel sites.

Tumpa Datta Gupta

Educator & Blogger


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